Saturday, August 4, 2007

Which Housewife are you?

This is a fun little quiz. I have taken it 3 times and the questions vary, but I always end up Lynette. I originally took this quiz with 3 other girls. One was a Bree, one a Susan, and one a Gabrielle. We thought about making t shirts, but never were that ambitious.


Michelle said...

How fun. I had done it once before and it showed me as Gabrielle. It will be interesting to see if it's the same again.

katri said...

Oh... I don't know if I should take the test. I don't know any of the characters and wouldn't know who to hope for.

Miss ya jules! :)

Michelle said...

I took it and looks like I'm a Bree. Weird, never thought of myself as her. I did the test three times and each time it was Bree. Looks like I really do appear perfect ;).

Laura said...

I don't watch the show but you can tell from the commercials pretty much what each girl is like. I took the test 3 times and I was Bree twice and Gabrielle once. Seems like they aren't much a like- maybe I have a little Jeckle and Hyde in me? Aren't they very different?