Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm back on the treadmill!

I'd rather die without back fat, thank you!

After a hideously long hiatus from regular exercise, I'm back on the wagon. My brother Joe agreed to meet me at the gym at 7 in the mornings to work out. I really need to feel that someone is counting on me to let them in to our neighborhood gym. This is why it doesn't work for me to workout with my neighbors. They have their own key ;-)
I have completed a full week of regular exercise and feel a little stiff, but triumphant. The side bonus to this is that my kids are really late sleepers, so when I come home at 8 the house is quiet and I can read my scriptures while I eat my cereal. See how I have maximized my habit development here? Now if I could just figure out how to incorporate flossing to the new routine, I'll be "practically perfect in every way."


Rochelleht said...

Bravo! I have taken a bit of a break this summer, too, but when school gets back in, I amsure I will get right back on track!

Michelle said...

Good for you Julie. I have been on a "break" for about a month. Just busy with summer and trips. School starts Wed., so back to our routine!

katri said...

Ohhh... totally needing to get back into the routine. Back fat = not good!

Richard Meyer said...
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Richard Meyer said...

Not me, every time I start to loose weight, girls start to check me out. I hate it when they all start whistling at me in the office, saying "check out that 40 year old!". I'll take my little "dad gut" and enjoy the silence :)

Another reason to keep my "back fat" is my clothes wont fit if I change my current eat whatever I want size.

Besides, I can still see my belt however is under a shelf and out of sight.

Laura said...

Way to go, Julie!! I need to get going myself now that I am starting to feel better! It's been a few months now!

ranell said...

Good for you! Me I'd rather LIVE without back fat. When I die who cares if it's there or not. And who knows if my "perfect" being will have back fat or not. Though actually working to get rid of back fat is another story for me. And currently on hold till at least next summer, or fall, or who knows when.

katri said...

You are probably too busy with working out and "life" to post, but I just wanted you to know I miss ya!