Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Crazy Food Storage Shortage

I'm beginning to get a little concerned. Despite the fact that I have been Mormon my whole life and heard the council to get a years supply of food stored up, I have never really done it. Now things are going to heck in a hand basket and I'm really wishing I had been a little more obedient. I'm curious if other parts of the country are having such a shortage as we are here in Boise. We have had to disband our monthly dry pack canning in the ward because our cannery will only allow us to purchase 50lbs per person, per day. And they are usually out of things like wheat, and rice unless you wait in line for two hours before they open. I decided to add up the total cost for a family of 6, one year supply of only wheat, flour, rice, oatmeal, milk, sugar, salt, oil, beans. $2,200. I sure would like to put my economic stimulus check toward some dry goods, and do my part to stimulate the economy, I sure hope it works. Anybody want to go in on a wheat grinder?


katri said...

There are shortages here as well. I ended up getting a mylar bag sealer and all the stuff that you need. Even the bags for the sealer were back ordered.

I was at both costco and sam's club in the last few days. They both had rice and beans in big bags.

Most Stakes should have a mylar sealer, you just need to get the bags and oxygen packs. -- plus the stuff to can. :)

Michelle said...

We have a shortage here too. You can hardly find rice or wheat. Our Costco shelves are empty where rice should be. It really is scarry.

Good for you using your stimulus check toward food storage. I chose to go the selfish rout and got myself a new road bike.

Oh and yes you sure are posting more than me. I have really droped the ball on this blog. I have lots to update I just can't seem to find the time.

Laura said...

I know what you mean... we need a new car and I told Chip we HAVE to do our food storage before we get one! It is SO important I think!

Becca said...

My friends and I are doing a food storage program where each week we buy different things-I too am excited about doing it and feeling a little crunch to get it done. Good luck in yours!

Blake said...

Yes, everything is dependant on oil. Go figure. You if the politicians were smart then they would realize this and find a way to help America instead of listening to lobbyist and their pocket books.
By the way I have a blog it is blakeboulter.blogspot.com come visit.