Sunday, June 10, 2007

Camp Out

This weekend we had our first family camp out of the season. It was extra fun because we went with our good friends The Bell family; Shimber, Jeff and their two sweet girls. We camped at Cascade Lake in the Boise National Forest. It was a beautiful two hour drive up the canyon. We had traditional "ronie wiest" and smores. Jeff and Shimber introduced us to a fun new campfire treat. They wrap breadstick dough around a wooden dowel and cook it over the fire. Then you fill the hollow center with honey butter. It is really yummy. You just have to make sure the end is sealed really tight so your honey butter doesn't leak out.

It had been 11 years since I had been in a real pine tree forest, and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. I had also forgotten how bone-chilling, freezing camping in Idaho can be. For the past 10 years we have been camping in Texas where you sleep in your bare skivvies on top of your sleeping bag. If you were really lucky, your camp site would have electric hookup and you could rig an extension cord to a box fan to circulate some air through your tent. We were a little unprepared for mountain camping. This weekend it got down to the low 30's overnight! The Bells saved the day by loaning us 3 extra sleeping bags and we made it through the night in relative comfort.

We had fun cooking a big old breakfast and taking a nice family bike ride. The kids didn't have much luck catching tadpoles in the lake, but Landen did dive off the dock fully clothed. Thank heavens for life jackets, I made him paddle himself back to the dock and didn't have to do a heroic save in the freezing water. We intended to drive a short way to let the kids do some fishing, but within 5 minutes of driving, 4 of the six total kids were sound asleep. We figured we had worn them out enough for one trip. Good times, good memories. I regret only that we had so much fun I forgot to snap even one picture. My camera sat on the seat of the van the whole trip.


Shimber said...

It WAS a fun trip! And I'm so glad we had you guys to go with. Jeff seriously had so much fun with the kids. Oh, and I got a couple of pictures you can have copies of!

Michelle said...

Oh yes camping in our bare skivvies with a box fan blowing luke warm air on you. The memories are rushing back!

It looks like you guys had a great time. And at least you snapped a picture of the view. BEAUTIFUL!!

Rochelleht said...

Don't you hate that?

How fun! Yes, it's always a shock to our systems every summer at the cabin. The Idaho folk tease us Texas whusies. So glad you and Shimber have so much fun together!!!

katri said...

I am so glad that you all had such a nice time.

Kurt has be-moaning the fact that the year of "Scout Camp" is fast approaching, and he DOES NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTSNCES camp in Texas EVER AGAIN!!! He has been dealing with a horrile, Horrible case of poison oak that has lingered on for over a month. Fine with me naver to camp in Texas. We'll just go to the mountains! :)

See... problem solved!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you wore them out Julie! Oh the joys of camping in Texas, I wouldkn't know personally but I hear it's a blast.