Tuesday, May 29, 2007

still on my mind

I have been back from my trip to England for three weeks now. Memories of the trip, things I learned and ideas I was inspired with still pop into my mind all day long. It was my first overseas trip and I am sure it will influence me forever. I didn't realize that traveling to a new place would affect me in so many ways.

Our Sisterly Adventure had five key characters, Julie, Katri, Rochelle, Katrina and baby Knightley. Three action packed days in London were informative and exciting. Four days exploring the English countryside were enchanting. The company was delightful, the mansions stunning, the people charming, the food fair, the baby adorable; all together a rare and gratifying experience. It was easy to feel ourselves, "completely, perfectly, and incandescently happy."


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear more about your trip and how it affected your life. (I linked you to my site already.) ;)

Rochelleht said...

Aaaaah! I love it! It was incandescent, wasn't it?

katri said...

Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy, Mrs. Darcy...

Yes, it was a beautiful trip. Please post more. (yeah, like you've got tons of spare time on you hands... what to do now? ha ha ha!)

katri said...

Baby Knightley misses all of his "aunties"

He is growing and rolled over the other day. He really was the perfect age for our trip, huh? :)